This dashboard aims to answer the following questions:
- How have my organisation's ExpertTracks performed over a time period as a whole?
- How does that performance compare to the same period in the previous period or year?
1.2 ExpertTrack Course Performance
This dashboard aims to answer the following questions:
- How are my individual ExpertTracks performing financially and in terms of engagement and reach?
- How is my ExpertTrack performing compared to other ExpertTracks on the FutureLearn platform?
1.1 ExpertTracks Overview
1.1.1 Filters
Date filter: A data filter that updates tiles on the date that the metric occurred, i.e. ExpertTrack Free Trial Starts is filtered on the date that the enrolment was created by the user. Note: not all of the tiles in this dashboard are affected by the date filter
Compare vs: This is a dynamic filter which interacts with the timeframe selected in the date filter, and updates the % change on the single figure tiles (see below). The two options for this filter are “is Year on Year” or “is Period on Period”
- Year on year takes the selected date filter from date filter, and compares to the exact same period one year ago. So if the user selects March 2021 as their date filter, the “Compare vs.” filter would compare to March 2020
- Period on period is similar to year on year, except it compares against the same period as the date filter, but back to back. So if the user selects March 2021 as their date filter, the comparison would be against the previous whole month, February 2021
Country: This filters the data on the country of the users, based on their IP address at the time of their free trial start
1.1.2 Top Line Metrics
Partners can view at a glance the main KPIs for ExpertTrack performance, aggregated for all of their ExpertTracks. The tiles show performance across the selected date filter and country, with the performance indicators comparing to either Year on Year or Period on Period, based on what was selected on the Compare vs. filter.
1.1.3 How are my ExpertTracks performing over time?
The Subscriptions over time chart shows the partner the subscription events that have occurred per week. The events are grouped at the date of occurrence, so all cancellations are grouped by the date they happened on. For those events, we find the monetisation and renewal rates over time on the second chart. These are similarly grouped by the most recent event date, so monetisation rate is grouped by the first payment date, and renewal rate is grouped by the second payment date.
1.1.4 How many subscriptions do users have on my ExpertTracks?
Paying Subscriptions by # Months Subscribed shows week on week, how many active subscriptions the partner has across all of their ExpertTracks. This is then split by the number of months that each user was subscribed for. If a user renews in the week, the most recent number of months is taken, so 3 months has precedence over 2 months, and so on.
Number of Months Subscribed Before Completion aggregates users by the week that they completed, and splits them by how many months they were subscribed at the time of their completion.
1.1.5 How are learners progressing through all of my ExpertTracks?
The ExpertTracks Visits Funnel shows granular data on the user journey throughout time. Partners can see how engaged learners are with their ExpertTracks from the moment they start learning until completion.
1.1.6 Which of my ExpertTracks are most successful?
This table provides a summary of topline performance, split by ExpertTrack. These tables are not affected by the date filter, so the partner can view ExpertTrack performance as a whole.
1.1.7 How are my ExpertTracks performing when compared to all ExpertTracks on FutureLearn?
This table averages performance across the partners whole ExpertTrack performance, irrespective of time. The date filter does not work for tiles in this section. Based on the average performance for all ExpertTracks, the table allocates a quartile comparison against the averages for all ExpertTrack organisations across FutureLearn. In this example, this partner averages 78 enrolments across all of their ExpertTracks, which puts them in the 3rd quartile (bottom 25-50% of all partners).
1.1.8 New ExpertTrack Subscriptions per Week
This table provides a week by week breakdown of ExpertTrack subscriptions, aggregated by the date of the free trial start, split by new or returning learner. A new to FutureLearn learner is one that has had no prior enrolments on any FutureLearn content prior to their ExpertTrack free trial start
1.1.9 Average Time Spent Learning & Free Trial Starts per Country
These tiles provide geographical information on the partners ExpertTrack learners, visualised as a heatmap. A learner’s country is determined by their IP address at the time of their free trial start.
1.1.10 KPIs by Country
This table provides the topline KPIs for ExpertTrack performance in table format, split by Country. The metrics are also compared versus previous period or year on year, depending on the Compare vs. filter
1.1.11 Demographic Information
Partners can view demographic information about all of the learners on their ExpertTracks. This information is collected from an optional “More about you” survey, so not all of the learners have provided this data to share.
1.2 ExpertTrack Course Performance
1.2.1 Filters
This dashboard contains the same filters as ExpertTracks Overview dashboard, with an additional ExpertTrack Course filter. This dashboard is designed to compare one ExpertTrack at a time, so the data will not load until a value is selected in this filter.
1.2.2 Performance by Unit
Partners can view the same data as in the visits funnel, except split by unit of the ExpertTrack. These charts are great for visualising the performance of different units of learning in the ExpertTrack. This chart is not affected by the date filter, so the partner can view ExpertTrack performance as a whole.
1.2.3 Visitors and Comments by Unit
This chart shows how many unique visitors to steps there were on each ExpertTrack unit, and the % of those learners that left at least one comment. This chart is not affected by the date filter, so the partner can view ExpertTrack performance as a whole.
1.2.4 Performance by Unit Table
This table provides a summary of topline performance, split by ExpertTrack unit. This table is not affected by the date filter, so the partner can view ExpertTrack performance as a whole.
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