Help! I can't invite learners to my course!
Are you looking in the right place?
It can be tempting to use the Courses tab in Learning Manager to invite and enrol learners onto a course. This will work if the course is already in progress and learners have enrolled on it.
However, if the course is brand new and/or no-one has used Learning Manager to enrol on it yet, you will not be able to see it in the Courses tab.
When inviting a learner to a course, be sure to use the Invite and enrol learners tile and type the name of the course into the search bar. A new course with no enrolments will only appear there.
"Discrepancies" in the Enrolments report in Course Creator
The Enrolments report in Course Creator includes members of the course team, along with anyone who may have enrolled as an Organisation Admin or FutureLearn admin to work on the course without accepting a Learning Manager invitation. The course will not appear in the Courses tab in Learning Manager unless learners have enrolled.
Is the course open for enrolment?
You can only invite learners to a course that is currently open for enrolment, with a status of Upcoming or In progress in Course Creator.
Courses that are in Draft or Finished will not be available as an option for inviting learners.
If your course is still in draft
Contact and ask our Learning Technologists to publish it. Make sure you specify a start date, and let us know whether you would like to have it always available or specify the extended enrolment period.
If your course has finished
Contact and ask our Partner Support agents to reopen it. Make sure you specify an extended enrolment window or state that you would like it to be always available.
Help! A learner can't enrol on this course!
For the quickest and simplest resolution, please advise the learner to contact our Learner Support team via Our Learner Support team can then work directly with them to resolve the issue.
Please note that we do not have any way of forcing new enrolments onto a learner's account. They need to complete all the enrolment steps themselves in order to join a course.
Did you invite the learner?
It happens to the best of us: sometimes a learner was missed off the list of email addresses to be invited to a course, or was not included in a group email where an invitation link was shared.
If you invited your learners using a personal course invitation, you can go to the Learners section of Learning Manager and search for their email address or learner identifier. If they don't appear in the enrolled list, try the Pending tab as well - it could be that the invitation was sent but they haven't accepted it yet.
Is the invitation link active?
If you invited learners using a shared invitation link, the link may have expired. Please see our article on How to invite a learner to a course for information on issuing and extending invitation links.
Has the learner accepted their invitation?
In order to appear in Learning Manager and have the full benefits of an organisational learner, the learner needs to have:
- received the invitation email
- opened the invitation email
- signed into their FutureLearn account if they have one, or created a FutureLearn account if they hadn't already
Has the learner enrolled on the right run?
If a course is also available to the public, the learner may have joined for free with the expectation that they would automatically receive the benefits of Learning Manager. If the public run is the same run they were invited to, they can still accept a Learning Manager invitation retroactively. However, if they were invited to a private run, they will need to rejoin the course and start again.
Please note that we do not have any way of transferring a learner's course progress between runs, or editing progress on their account.
Is the course open for enrolment?
If the course the learner was due to enrol on has finished, they will not be able to accept their invitation. Consider inviting them to a more recent run, or contact and ask us to extend enrolment. Please specify how long the extension should be.
Is the learner signing in with the correct email address?
Sometimes a learner will create a second FutureLearn account when accepting an invitation without realising. If they're not sure, advise them to contact and our Learner Support team will help them trace the account.
Please note that we do not have any way of merging learner accounts.
Help! I can't upload assessment results
Download our how to upload and publish learners' final result demo video.
Do you have the correct permissions?
In order to upload a learner's assessment results, you need the Program Learner Admin permission. Any Organisation Admin can assign this, so speak to your project lead if you need to have this permission.
Have you filled in the spreadsheet correctly?
To upload results, you must:
- Create a CSV file with columns 'external_learner_id' and 'result'.
- Fill in the 'result' column for each learner with either 'Pass', 'Fail' or 'Defer' (each row must contain one of these values in the 'result' column).
- Choose and upload the CSV file.
Ensure that there are no additional spaces or other invisible characters in any of the columns, and that everything matches exactly with its existing entry in Learning Manager.
Have you saved the spreadsheet in the correct format?
Learning Manager will only allow you to upload results as a CSV file.
Renaming a .xlsx file to .csv will not change its format. In order to create a CSV, you need to use the Save as > CSV option in Microsoft Excel or Export as > CSV in Apple Numbers.
You can use the file information functionality in File Explorer or Finder to check whether the file has saved correctly.
(Microcredentials only) Did you fill in the certificate details in Course Creator?
In order to be able to upload results to Learning Manager, you must have filled in all certificate details in Course Creator - otherwise, the system will not understand that there is a pass/fail state for the course.
If you haven't yet done this, please contact Specify the course and run number you need to update, and include a short description of the course that can be used on a certificate.
Help! I can't find the course in the Courses tab
Courses will only show up in the Courses tab of Learning Manager if learners have been enrolled - either via a Learning Manager or Program Learner Admin, or by clicking 'Enrol' on FutureLearn.
The Enrolments report in Course Creator shows all enrolments on a course - this includes members of the course team, FutureLearn admins, or any other user who may have needed to view course content before the course goes live. If you are using Learning Manager, that is your single source of truth for how many learners have enrolled.
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