The Stats dashboard collects detailed information about learner enrolments, unenrolments and progress through a course run. It is accessible by anyone with Organisation Admin permissions in Course Creator, and anyone with the Author or Co-creator permission in that course run.
To access the Stats dashboard, go into the course run and select the Stats tab on the top right of the screen.
In the tab, you will find the Stats dashboard, Demographics, and End of course survey results.
The Stats dashboard updates automatically every night. You can also use the navigation at the top to filter all statistics to the end of Sunday for each course week.
Course run measures
Joiners are the number of currently existing enrolments made for that specific course run. This includes educators, admins alongside learners who currently have accounts on the platform.
Leavers are users (of any role) who have chosen to no longer be a part of the course. Leavers remain represented in the number of Joiners. Also presented as a percentage of joiners.
Learners are users (of any role) who have viewed at least one step, at any time, in any course week. This includes those who go on to become Leavers. Also presented as a percentage of Joiners.
Active Learners are those (of any role) who have completed at least one step at anytime in any course week, including those who go on to become Leavers. Completion varies by step type, with some requiring additional user interaction (e.g. “mark as complete”) while others are completed through submission (Assignment, Review) and question attempts (Quizzes & Tests). Also presented as a percentage of Learners.
Social Learners are those (of any role) who have posted at least one comment on any step. Also presented as a percentage of Learners.
Learners with 50% or more step completion represents users (of any role) who have successfully completed 50% or more of the steps contained within the course.
Learners with 90% or more step completion represents users (of any role) who have successfully completed 90% or more of the steps contained within the course. For a course that contains Tests or Quizzes: these are considered ‘marked as complete’ when a learner has attempted each question at least once.
The Course Retention Index (R-Index) is a measure of how the population of learners moves through the entire course. Inspired by the H-Index for academic publications, the R-Index is the highest percentage of activated learners who’ve completed an equivalent portion of the course. e.g. an R-Index of 37% means that 37% of activated learners completed at least 37% of the course.
If Learners can upgrade on your course, then Upgrades sold is the total number of Learners who have purchased an upgrade on that run, while Gross revenue in GBP is the revenue collected from the upgrades sold.
If Learners can’t upgrade on your course then you can find the numbers of Learners who bought Certificates of Achievement under Certificates Sold.
Unlimited learners reflects the number of learners enrolled on your course who have Upgrade benefits on this course as part of Unlimited at the time the data is pulled.
Unlimited learners with permanent access is the number of Unlimited learners who have completed the course (i.e. marked as complete on 90% or more of the course steps and achieved an overall score of 70% or more on scored courses) and therefore have permanent access to the course. FutureLearn allocates revenue from Unlimited to partners based on the number of Unlimited learners who complete the course and the equivalent Upgrade value of the course.
The gross revenue figures available in Course Creator relate to upgrade sales only and do not include adjustments for any cancelled or refunded purchases.
Unlimited revenue is calculated quarterly, so please see your FutureLearn statement for details.
Please contact if you have any queries.
Deprecated course run measures
Fully Participating Learners are those who have completed at least 50% of the available steps on a course. On courses containing tests, they must also complete them. Test completion is defined as all non-voided questions having been attempted regardless of result. Learners cannot be counted as fully participating until all the weeks of a course have been published and are visible to them.
Returning Learners are those who completed at least a step in at least two distinct course weeks. These do not have to be sequential or consecutive, nor completed in different calendar weeks. This is also presented as a percentage of learners.
Total statistics
Steps Visited is the total number of steps visits by users of all roles. It is also presented in average against the number of learners (e.g. users with at least one visited step).
Steps Completed is the total number of steps marked as complete by users of all roles. It is also presented in average against the number of active learners.
Comments Posted is the total number of comments posted by all users on all steps. It is also presented in average against the number of social learners
Statistics by week
All of the above statistics are also presented faceted by course week. The weekly dashboard counts the number of unique learners who, for example, made a comment in each course week, whereas the course run dashboard gives the number of unique learners who have ever made a comment across all weeks. So if the same learner commented on multiple weeks, they’d be counted multiple times in the weekly dashboard, but only once in the course run dashboard. The marginal sums in the weekly dashboard will therefore not agree with those in the course run dashboard. The datasets available for download have a per-learner granularity, and therefore allow you to calculate your own aggregations.
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