Learners like to know whether educators will be actively facilitating a course. Setting these expectations is crucial to the learning experience.
Our default course model is on demand, meaning courses are continually available for learners to enrol. In this model, educators can decide whether they wish to facilitate for short periods or not at all.
If you decide to actively facilitate your course for a short period we have created functionality to display this information (dates) to learners.
ExpertTracks are never facilitated and do not require facilitation windows.
Facilitation windows display on the CDP
If a course is actively being facilitated, it will show on the Course Description Page in two places. 1. Under the Join button and 2. In a section called ‘Learning on this course’ underneath ‘When would you like to start?’ further down the page (see screenshots below).
If a course will be facilitated within the next 4 weeks, the section under the Join button will not show, but the dates will show under ‘Learning on this course’. If there are multiple date ranges, they will be listed below, with the soonest at the top.
If a course is not being facilitated, or the next window is more than 4 weeks away, a different message is shown encouraging peer-to-peer social learning.
A notice also appears within course steps if there are educators currently facilitating.
Add facilitation dates in Course Creator
- Go to the Facilitation tab for your course (at run level).
- Select ‘add facilitation dates’.
- Add facilitation dates in the following date format: DD/MM/YYYY. Then click "Add Facilitation Date".
- The page will allow you to add new dates and delete existing ones. Dates that are in the past will not be displayed, but future dates will be, as long as the earliest is within the next 4 weeks.
Course Description Page indicating Educators are currently active on this course:
Text that appears on CDP when a course has facilitation windows:
Text that appears on CDP when a course is unfacilitated:
Text within a course when it is being actively facilitated by educators:
The facilitation area in Course Creator:
Add facilitation dates in the fields provided:
Facilitation dates displayed in Course Creator:
Terminology on this page that you aren’t familiar with? Check out our glossary.
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