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FutureLearn Partners
Marketing & PR
Marketing & PR
FutureLearn’s approach to marketing and announcing your courses
Marketing 101
FutureLearn Marketing 101
Marketing 101 - Social Media
Marketing 101 - Email
Marketing 101 - PR
See all articles and sections
How can partners promote their courses
How can I successfully market my course?
Do you have guidance on SEO link building basics?
How do I use FutureLearn's tracking link tool?
When should I market my course? (Course marketing timeline)
Can I use learner testimonials?
Student influencers
How FutureLearn promotes degrees
How does FutureLearn market Degrees and what can I do to help?
What other marketing activities do FutureLearn do to promote Degrees?
How FutureLearn promotes short courses
How does FutureLearn market short courses?
How does FutureLearn announce that a new Partner has joined?