- High-level overview
- Definitions
- General Principles
- Scenarios
- API endpoints and webhooks
- Authentication
- Walkthroughs
- Finding or creating an organisation membership
- Finding or creating degree enrolment
- Finding or creating a program enrolment
- Inviting the student to link their university ID to a FutureLearn account
- Appendices
- Document Control
High-level overview
The University-initiated enrolment flow is used when a partner university needs to enrol one of their students on a degree or program within FutureLearn. In particular it is used to enrol students that have applied for a degree or program directly through the university's own application and enrolment portals (as opposed to through the FutureLearn degree and program pages where the FutureLearn initiated enrolment flow is more appropriate).
The flow starts with the partner university making a call to the FutureLearn partners API to check for an organisation membership (the record that essentially represents a student at the university) with a particular university ID.
If no matching organisation membership exists, the university calls the partners API again to create the organisation membership. The API responds with a unique FutureLearn invitation link that the university forwards to the student as part of a welcome email.
The university then makes further calls to the FutureLearn partners API to create the relevant degree and program enrolments. If the organisation membership is already linked to a FutureLearn account, those enrolments are activated immediately without requiring any action from the student. Otherwise activation of the enrolments is deferred until the student has followed the invitation link to link their organisation membership to a FutureLearn account.
When the student clicks on the FutureLearn invitation link in the welcome email from the university, they are asked to sign in or register for a FutureLearn account. They are also asked to consent to the account being linked to their university ID and to FutureLearn sharing certain types of data with the university.
Assuming that the student does give their consent, the organisation membership and enrolments are linked the chosen FutureLearn account and the student is taken to the degree or program landing page to start their learning.
Entity | Description |
Degree | A degree level qualification offered through FutureLearn (e.g. Graduate Certificate or Masters). Made up of programs |
Degree enrolment | A learner’s enrolment on a degree in FutureLearn |
Learner | A user of the FutureLearn platform |
Program | A collection of FutureLearn courses. Equivalent to what a university may call a module or unit |
Program run | A run (instance or offering) of a program starting on a specific date |
Program enrolment | A learner’s enrolment on a program run in FutureLearn |
Organisation membership | A record that links a learner to an organisation |
Single program enrolment | A program enrolment that is not linked to a degree enrolment (for universities that allow students to enrol on a program without enrolling on a degree) |
Student | A learner that is enrolled at the university and whose FutureLearn account is linked via an organisation membership to their university ID |
Identifiers | Description |
Degree code |
The alphanumeric code assigned to a degree by the university (e.g. ‘MA01’). No two degrees by the university can have the same degree code. |
Degree enrolment UUID |
The unique identifier assigned to a degree enrolment by FutureLearn No two degree enrolments on the FutureLearn platform can have the same degree enrolment UUID |
Degree UUID |
The unique identifier assigned to a degree by FutureLearn No two degrees on the FutureLearn platform can have the same degree UUID |
External learner ID | See ‘University ID’ |
Learner UUID |
The unique identifier assigned to a learner by FutureLearn No two learners on the FutureLearn platform can have the same learner UUID |
Organisation membership UUID |
The unique identifier assigned to an organisation membership by FutureLearn No two organisation memberships on the FutureLearn platform can have the same organisation membership UUID |
Program code |
The alphanumeric code assigned to a program by the university (e.g. ‘MA101’) No two programs by the university can have the same program code |
Program enrolment UUID |
The unique identifier assigned to a program enrolment by FutureLearn No two program enrolments on the FutureLearn platform can have the same program enrolment UUID |
Program run code |
The alphanumeric code assigned to a program run by the university (e.g. ‘2017.02’) No two runs of the same program can have the same program run code |
Program run UUID |
The unique identifier assigned to a program run by FutureLearn No two program runs on the FutureLearn platform can have the same program run UUID |
Program UUID |
The unique identifier assigned to a program by FutureLearn No two programs on the FutureLearn platform can have the same program UUID |
University ID |
The unique identifier assigned to the student by the university No two students at the same university can have the same university ID In the API, the university ID is referred to as the ‘External learner ID’ as it can also refer to an employee ID or similar in other use case |
In general, the API uses UUID to identify entities. ‘Find’ endpoints are provided to allow consumers to resolve these UUIDs from university assigned codes if necessary.
General principles
- Students won’t receive any emails from the FutureLearn platform until they’ve been introduced to FutureLearn by the university. The invitation link to sign in or register with FutureLearn is therefore sent by the university and not FutureLearn.
- As little personal information about the student as possible is transferred from the university to FutureLearn. Only the university ID is required for the flow to work. Additional information such as the first name, last name and email can be provided to pre-populate the FutureLearn registration form for students but the flow does not depend on it.
- Learners are encouraged to have a single FutureLearn account for life. They can link an existing FutureLearn account to their university ID if they wish to, or register for a new FutureLearn account with any email address of their choice.
- The university should not have to wait for the student to accept their FutureLearn invitation in order to be able to create the student’s degree and program enrolments.
- Each program enrolment is linked to at most one degree enrolment.
- The university should not be required to keep track of any FutureLearn-specific identifiers, although certain steps in the flow can be skipped if the university is able to add FutureLearn organisation membership and enrolment UUIDs to their student records.
The University-initiated enrolment flow is designed to cover the following scenarios. A sequence diagram for each one can be found in the sequence diagrams appendix.
ID | Description |
S1 |
S2 |
S3 |
S4 |
S5 |
S6 |
S7 |
API endpoints and webhooks
The FutureLearn-initiated enrolment flow utilises a number of endpoints from the FutureLearn partners API.
ID | Name | Purpose |
Find organisation membership | Checking whether a particular university ID is already linked to a learner and obtaining the corresponding organisation membership UUID if it is |
EP26 | Create organisation membership invitation | Creating an organisation membership for a particular university ID |
EP22 | Find degree | Getting a degree UUID from a degree code |
EP23 | Find degree enrolment | Checking whether a student is enrolled on a degree in FutureLearn and obtaining the degree enrolment UUID if they are |
EP12 | Create degree enrolment | Enrolling a student on a degree in FutureLearn |
EP15 | Find program run | Getting a program run UUID from a program and program run code |
EP16 | Find program enrolment | Checking whether a student is enrolled on a program run in FutureLearn and obtaining the program enrolment UUID if they are |
EP11 | Create program enrolment | Enrolling a student on a program in FutureLearn |
WH1 | Organisation membership accepted | Notifying the university that the student has linked their university ID to a FutureLearn account |
WH3 | Degree enrolment activated | Notifying the university that, as a result of the associated organisation membership being accepted, a deferred degree enrolment has been activated |
WH2 | Program enrolment activated | Notifying the university that, as a result of the associated organisation membership being accepted, a deferred program enrolment has been activated |
All API methods are authenticated with a JWT bearer token. Please refer to the Partner API authentication document at the bottom of this article for further information.
In these walkthroughs, {JWT-Token} represents the bearer token for the request.
Not all of the steps illustrated are mandatory. In particular certain steps may be redundant if the university keeps track of FutureLearn organisation membership and enrolment UUIDs in its student records system.
Finding or creating an organisation membership
- If the university does not already have an organisation membership UUID for the student in the student records system, the university can use the find organisation membership API endpoint (EP10) to search for a matching organisation membership.
Request Assuming ‘12345678’ is the university ID (external learner ID) GET Authorization: Bearer {JWT-token} |
Example 1: No organisation membership exists with the specified university ID HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found Example 2: A matching organisation membership is found HTTP/1.1 302 FoundLocation:… { "uuid": "429b0599-8d6a-4b40-8c05-84c4b25dc52d", "href": "…" } |
2. If no matching organisation membership is found, the university uses the create organisation membership invitation API endpoint (EP26) to instruct FutureLearn to create a new organisation membership for the student. The first name, last name and email address are all optional, but if they are provided, they’ll be used to prepopulate the registration form when the student later creates their FutureLearn account.
Request Assuming ‘12345678’ is the university ID (external learner ID). |
Example 1 (university ID only) POST Authorization: Bearer {JWT-token} { "external_learner_id": "12345678" } Example 2 (with additional personal information)
Authorization: Bearer {JWT-token} { "external_learner_id": "12345678", "first_name": "Ada", "last_name": "Lovelace", "email": "" |
Response HTTP/1.1 201 Created "href": "…", "external_learner_id": "12345678", "first_name": "Ada", "last_name": "Lovelace", "email": "", "url": "", "organisation_membership": { "uuid": "429b0599-8d6a-4b40-8c05-84c4b25dc52d", } } |
3. If the university has subscribed to the organisation membership accepted webhook, when the student finally links their university ID to a FutureLearn account, FutureLearn will notify the university when the organisation membership has been linked to a FutureLearn account. The university acknowledges the notification with an HTTP success response code (e.g. '202 Accepted').
Request Assuming is the endpoint the university has subscribed to the organisation membership accepted webhook. "href": "…" |
Response HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted |
Finding or creating a degree enrolment
- If the university does not keep track of degree UUIDs, the university can use the find degree API endpoint (EP22) to search for a degree by degree code.
Request Assuming MA01 is the degree code. GET |
Response Example 1: No matching degree exists HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found Example 2: A matching degree exists HTTP/1.1 302 FoundLocation:… { "uuid": "fa6eee01-420d-4caf-b55a-3211488ee33b", "href": "…" } |
2. If the university does not already have a degree enrolment UUID for the student’s enrolment on the degree in the student records system, the university can use the find degree enrolment API endpoint (EP23) to search for a matching enrolment.
Request Assuming 429b0599-8d6a-4b40-8c05-84c4b25dc52d is the organisation membership UUID and fa6eee01-420d-4caf-b55a-3211488ee33b is the degree UUID. GET°ree_uuid=fa6eee01-420d-4caf-b55a-3211488ee33bAuthorization: Bearer {JWT-token} |
Response Example 1: No matching degree enrolment exists HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found Example 2: A matching degree enrolment exists HTTP/1.1 302 FoundLocation:… { "uuid": "07838a90-de17-404f-a908-b978f66cafef", "href": "…" |
3. If no matching degree enrolment is found, the university uses the create degree enrolment API endpoint (EP23) to instruct FutureLearn to create a new degree enrolment for the student. If the organisation membership is already linked to a learner (i.e. the student has linked their university ID to a FutureLearn account) the enrolment will be activated immediately. Otherwise activation of the enrolment will be deferred until the organisation membership is linked to a learner.
Request Assuming 429b0599-8d6a-4b40-8c05-84c4b25dc52d is the organisation membership UUID and fa6eee01-420d-4caf-b55a-3211488ee33b is the degree UUID.POST Authorization: Bearer {JWT-token} { "organisation_membership": { "uuid": "429b0599-8d6a-4b40-8c05-84c4b25dc52d" }, "degree": { "uuid": "fa6eee01-420d-4caf-b55a-3211488ee33b" } } |
Response Example 1: The degree enrolment was activated immediately as the organisation membership is already linked to a learner HTTP/1.1 201 Created "href": "…", "organisation_membership": { "uuid": "429b0599-8d6a-4b40-8c05-84c4b25dc52d" "href": "…" }, "degree": { "uuid": "fa6eee01-420d-4caf-b55a-3211488ee33b", "href": "…" }, "status": "active" Example 2: Activation of the degree enrolment has been deferred until the organisation membership is linked to a learner HTTP/1.1 201 Created "href": "…", "organisation_membership": { "uuid": "429b0599-8d6a-4b40-8c05-84c4b25dc52d" "href": "…" }, "degree": { "uuid": "fa6eee01-420d-4caf-b55a-3211488ee33b", "href": "…" }, "status": "deferred" |
4. If activation of the degree enrolment was deferred and the university has subscribed to the degree enrolment activated webhook, when the student finally links their university ID to a FutureLearn account, FutureLearn will notify the university of the activation of the degree enrolment. The university acknowledges the notification with an HTTP success response code (e.g. '202 Accepted').
Request Assuming is the endpoint the university has subscribed to the degree enrolment activated webhook. "href": "…" |
Response HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted |
Finding or creating a program enrolment
If the university does not keep track of program run UUIDs, the university can use the find program run API endpoint (EP15) to search for a program by program and program run code.
Request Assuming MA101 is the program code and 2017.01 is the program run code. GET |
Response Example 1: No matching program run exists HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found Example 2: A matching program run exists HTTP/1.1 302 Found |
2. If the university does not already have a program enrolment UUID for the student’s enrolment on the program in the student records system, the university can use the find program enrolment API endpoint (EP16) to search for a matching enrolment.
Request Assuming 429b0599-8d6a-4b40-8c05-84c4b25dc52d is the organisation membership UUID and 26875b20-fe07-4781-bfc3-01960b849fde is the program run UUID.
Response Example 1: No matching program enrolment exists HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found Example 2: A matching program enrolment exists HTTP/1.1 302 Found |
3. The university uses the create program enrolment API endpoint (EP11) to instruct FutureLearn to create a new program enrolment for the student. If the organisation membership is already linked to a learner (i.e. the student has linked their university ID to a FutureLearn account) the enrolment will be activated immediately. Otherwise activation of the enrolment will be deferred until the organisation membership is linked to a learner.
Request Example 1: Creating a program enrolment that is linked to a degree enrolment Assuming 429b0599-8d6a-4b40-8c05-84c4b25dc52d is the organisation membership UUID, 26875b20-fe07-4781-bfc3-01960b849fde is the program run UUID, and 07838a90-de17-404f-a908-b978f66cafe is the degree enrolment UUID. POST Authorization: Bearer {JWT-token} { "organisation_membership": { "uuid": "429b0599-8d6a-4b40-8c05-84c4b25dc52d" }, "program_run": { "uuid": "26875b20-fe07-4781-bfc3-01960b849fde" }, "degree_enrolment": { "uuid": "07838a90-de17-404f-a908-b978f66cafef" } } Example 2: Creating a single program enrolment Assuming 429b0599-8d6a-4b40-8c05-84c4b25dc52d is the organisation membership UUID and 26875b20-fe07-4781-bfc3-01960b849fde is the program run UUID. POST Authorization: Bearer {JWT-token} { "organisation_membership": { "uuid": "429b0599-8d6a-4b40-8c05-84c4b25dc52d" }, "program_run": { "uuid": "26875b20-fe07-4781-bfc3-01960b849fde" } } |
Response Example 1: The program enrolment was activated immediately as the organisation membership is already linked to a learner. HTTP/1.1 201 Created "href": "…", "organisation_membership": { "uuid": "429b0599-8d6a-4b40-8c05-84c4b25dc52d" "href": "…" }, "program_run": { "uuid": "26875b20-fe07-4781-bfc3-01960b849fde", "href": "…" }, "degree_enrolment": { "uuid": "07838a90-de17-404f-a908-b978f66cafef", "href": "…" }, "status": "active" Example 2: Activation of the program enrolment has been deferred until the organisation membership is linked to a learner. HTTP/1.1 201 Created "href": "…", "organisation_membership": { "uuid": "429b0599-8d6a-4b40-8c05-84c4b25dc52d" "href": "…" }, "program_run": { "uuid": "26875b20-fe07-4781-bfc3-01960b849fde", "href": "…" }, "degree_enrolment": { "uuid": "07838a90-de17-404f-a908-b978f66cafef", "href": "…" }, "status": "deferred" |
4. If activation of the program enrolment was deferred and the university has subscribed to the program enrolment activated webhook, when the student finally links their university ID to a FutureLearn account, FutureLearn will notify the university of the activation of the degree enrolment. The university acknowledges the notification with an HTTP success response code (e.g. '202 Accepted').
Request Assuming is the endpoint the university has subscribed to the program enrolment activated webhook. "href": "…" |
Response HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted |
Inviting the student to link their university ID to a FutureLearn account
- If a new organisation membership was created, once all of the necessary degree and program enrolments have been created, the university sends a welcome email to the student incorporating the invitation URL returned by the create organisation membership invitation API endpoint (EP26).
- When the student clicks on this link they are taken to the FutureLearn website where they are asked to sign in or register for a new FutureLearn account. That account is then linked to their university ID and the deferred enrolments activated.
Document control
Rev |
Date |
Author |
Changes |
0.1 |
03/10/2017 |
AM and SF |
Initial draft for internal and external feedback. |
0.2 |
24/11/2017 |
SF |
Use create organisation membership invitation endpoint instead of create organisation membership |
1.0 |
01/12/2017 |
SF |
Added find program enrolment step. |
1.1 |
08/12/2017 |
SF |
Remove `learner` attribute from program enrolment entity; `organisation_membership` should be used instead. |
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